⌛ September 5, 2021: The Common Sense Show > China retorted that Japan was interfering in Chinese internal affairs... - #China

Submitted by Dave Hodges
on Sunday, September 5, 2021

Clearly, the support of the Japanese was needed because the anti-Biden, now considered rogue American naval forces were stretched thin with their support of India. Japan helped to fill the void in the defense of Taiwan. 
South Korea eventually joined Japan’s side with regard to their intent to aid in the defense of Taiwan. These developments speak volumes. Biden would never go against China. This clearly demonstrates that Biden is rejected by most Asian governments. And after the way that Biden betrayed Afghanistan and our own citizens, who could blame them?

This development leads to a number of interesting questions. First, anyone who knows anything about the Biden crime family knows that they are extensively blackmailed by China. Do these actions sound like the Asian based US Navy is on board with the Biden administration?

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