🥼 11 Oct 2021: The Guardian. > Is this all about China? - #China

Fiona Harvey Environment correspondent
Mon 11 Oct 2021 07.30 EDT

The world’s biggest emitter, China, produced its NDC a few days before the start of Cop26, but analysts said it was disappointing. China will aim for emissions to peak by 2030, and reach net zero emissions by 2060, and reduce the amount of carbon it produces per unit of GDP by 65%. But these are the same commitments made by the Chinese government more than a year ago, and experts believe China is capable of doing far more – of peaking emissions by 2025, which would be a major boost to global efforts to remain within 1.5C.

Climate Action Tracker, which analyses global targets, said China’s NDC would mean temperatures were on a trajectory to 2.4C, well above even the upper goal of the Paris accord.

Xi Jinping, China’s president, will not come to Glasgow. His attendance would be a significant boost, but leading figures in the talks have said they can still have a successful outcome without his physical presence.

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